this function is enabled/disabled when a calibration is performed using the bit Tune software. The equalization applied is displayed on screen and the frequency response can be adjusted by 5 poles.
2. Master De-EQ/Phase Align.:
by selecting this menu it is possible to view the progress in Module and Phase of all the Head Unit fronts (see sec.
- Selecting the De-Eq on/off button, you can enable or disable the de-equalization applied to the Head Unit connected to the bit One HD Virtuoso.
- Selecting the Wizard button, it is possible to carry out a new configuration session to set the sensitivity levels of the source and check whether the source is equalized or not (see sec.
- by clicking on the “Suggested AP Filter Set” key, it is possible to Enable or disable the correction of the phase applied to the Head Unit Connected to the bit One HD Virtuoso detected during the analysis performed. The graphic interface will show the fronts related to the All-Pass filters application (Front L-R, Rear L-R, Center), and a chart where the fronts electric result selected from the menu will be displayed. If a phase analysis was performed during the phase “Configuration Wizard” procedure (see sec., the compensation points suggested by the analysis will be displayed. They can be fine tuned thanks to the electric result and listening sessions. If the automatic phase analysis procedure has not been performed, the All-Pass control points will be present but no position for compensation will be recommended.
■ All-Pass Filter type:
There are two types of All-Pass filters, 1st and 2nd order. Their selection is done by double clicking with the mouse pointer, which will highlight the area with a different color depending on the type selected. First order filters are light blue, while second order filters are yellow. Their activation is displayed by the transition from a point to a well-highlighted intervention area that occurs by setting the phase other than 0 °.
■ All-Pass Filters Setting:
Frequency: by moving the point to adjust with the mouse pointer (f: 20 Hz ÷20KHz).
Phase: + and + allows the change of the Phase control at 1 degree Steps. For 1st order All-Pass the adjustment ranges from 0-180° while for 2nd order All-Pass the adjustment ranges from 0 -360°.
Q: + and + allows the change of the Q factor at 0.1 Steps (just for 2nd order All-Pass).
■ Total Electric Response.
The chart shows the electrical sum of the channels selected in the menu “Trace Curve”. If a “Phase Analysis” was performed (see sec., two curves will be displayed. The Blue curve refers to the trend of the selected fronts, where the presence of All-Pass filters can be shown, provided by one or more holes in the frequency domain, while the orange color refers to the fronts compensation via All-Pass filters. If the Phase Analysis was not performed, only the orange curve resulting from the modifications made via All-Pass adjustment will be displayed.
■ Phase ON/OFF
By clicking on the Phase on/off key, it is possible to enable or disable the correction of the phase applied to the Head Unit connected to the bit One HD Virtuoso. The activation is successful when the led light becomes red.
■ Restore Phase Alignm suggestions:
If an “AUTOMATIC MASTER DE-EQ / PHASE Analysis” was performed and new valued are then edited, it will be possible to restore the phase compensation values suggested by the software (see sec.
3. Dynamic EQ:
the sound of an audio system may very according to the reproduction volume. At low volume, the noises coming from outside the vehicle and the especially insulated acoustic within the car compartment contribute to limit (especially in low frequency) the system’s performance. Generally during calibration you need to consider that the adjustments performed with low level volume may change relentlessly when the volume will be increased.
The Dynamic Equalization improves the listening actively operating on the variation of the frequency response as a consequence to the volume change.
The Wizard will suggest a series of windows to set up the equalization to be applied to the general frequency response.
The bit One HD Virtuoso will automatically perform a gradual data interpolation, following the signal level and therefore acting according to the system volume. Two operating modes are available.
To use this function click on the button to the left of the menu until the orange led lights up. To disable the function click again on the button until the orange led turns off.
■ Reference. The dynamic equalizer can be adjusted in two ways:
- DRC VOLUME: the trend of the dynamic equalization curve depends on the Virtuoso master volume level set via DRC.
- Input Signal: the trend of the dynamic equalization curve depends on the Virtuoso input level. You can choose whether to apply this curve either to the Master input or to the auxiliary inputs (Analog Aux, Optical 1/2).
To set up the dynamic equalizer click on the button to the right of the menu and proceed as follows:
Insert a CD in the source and play a reference track. A semi-automatic procedure will start. Move the Volume slider setting the low volume listening reference level.
After adjusting the slider, select START.
Move the EQ slider to set up the low volume response equalization until the desired sound is achieved. In this case the equalization curve which applied is pre-set. When reaching the desired setting select SAVE. At this point the reference curve for low volume listening will be applied.
The semi-automatic procedure continues requesting the set up of the high volume listening reference level. Move the Volume slider to the desired level.
After adjusting the slider, select START.
Move the EQ slider to set up the high volume response equalization until the desired sound is achieved. After finding the right adjustment select SAVE.
At this point the reference curve for high volume listening will be applied.
Reset Dynamic EQ
During the setup the Reset EQ button can be selected to reset the applied modifications and restore the default values.
To confirm the settings and activate the Dynamic Equalizer while listening click on the X of the PC software window.
At a later stage, besides being enabled and disabled via PC software, this function can also be enabled/disabled via DRC MP.
4. Bass Boost:
this function, if enabled, has the purpose of intervening on the equalization of the sub channel and the woofers, applying an equalization on the low frequencies. This function can be used in two operating modes: Fixed and Dynamic. In Fixed mode the application of the equalization is static, while in dynamic mode it involves the application of the curve according to the level of the input signal.
■ Fixed Mode
Cliccando su Fixed è possibile scegliere il polo di equalizzazione parametrico su cui intervenire e variare il fattore “Q” agendo tramite la rotella del mouse, se dotato di tale funzionalità. Per poter agire sull'equalizzatore parametrico è possibile anche usare la finestra di setup (riportata a fianco), dove poter intervenire in maniera più dettagliata sui seguenti parametri:
1. frequency of intervention.
2. parametric pole gain.
3. Q factor.
To enable the function, click on the button located on the left of the menu, until the orange LED lights up.
To disable it , click again on the button until the orange LED turns off. The function can also be enabled and disabled from the DRC MP.
■ Dynamic Mode
By selecting Dynamic it is possible to choose the parametric equalization pole on which to intervene and vary the “Q” factor by using the mouse wheel if equipped with this function. In order to operate on the parametric equalizer it is also possible to use the setup window (shown to the side), where you can intervene in more detail on the following parameters:
1. frequency of intervention.
2. parametric pole gain.
3. Q factor.
Treshold: minimum intervention threshold of the maximum boost application level.
Target Gain: minimum boost intervention threshold.
To enable the function, click on the button located on the left of the menu, until the orange LED lights up.
To disable it, click again on the button until the orange LED turns off. The function can also be enabled and disabled from the DRC MP.
5. Delay Comp./Polarity Check:
this function shows the result of the analysis performed during the "I / O CONFIGURATION WIZARD" concerning the presence of time delays, possible compensation and the result of the correct electric connection of the wiring to the inputs of the bit One HD Virtuoso.