Selecting the “File” tab a drop-down menu shows up listing the entries as shown in the image to the right of this page:
1. Load Setup:
by selecting this entry, the bit One HD Virtuoso entire setup is loaded from a previously saved file (EX. “BitOnehdConfig1.bhd”). This feature is available both in TARGET and OFFLINE mode. In TARGET mode this function provides the ability to load again all the settings that have been previously saved. It is useful if you want to resume all the settings you have previously selected to install another bit One HD Virtuoso with the same adjustments, in order to test different acoustic settings.
The software allows the user to upload a file saved in FIR mode in IIR mode, converting the equalization curves of the Channels EQ and maintaining the settings of the inputs and the specialization of the outputs. Obviously when going from FIR to IIR small adjustment setups are necessary concerning the electrical phases of the output channels (Invert Phase). The reverse operation, loading an IIR file in FIR mode, is not contemplated.
- Select YES to load a FIR setup in IIR mode.
- Select NO to load a FIR setup.
- Select Cancel to cancel the operation.
2. Save Setup:
it enables the storage of the entire bit One HD Virtuoso configuration in a file
(EX. BitOnehdConfig1.bhd”) that you can subsequently load into the bit One HD Virtuoso through the Load Setup function. This feature is available both in TARGET and in OFFLINE mode.
this function enables the loading of all the parameters selected while configuring the bit One HD Virtuoso microprocessor internal memory, allowing it to work without being connected to a PC. When selecting the Finalize to bit One HD Virtuoso function, the software notifies that the data previously saved in the bit One HD Virtuoso will be overwritten:
◼︎ Select YES to load the data saved in the bit One HD Virtuoso, overwriting the previously saved data, if any.
◼︎ Select NO to interrupt the process.
WARNING: before disconnecting the bit One HD Virtuoso from the PC or each time that you exit the PC software after modifying the system configuration, always run the Finalize to bit One HD Virtuoso procedure. If you do not follow these instructions all the data entered will be lost.
4. Synchronize, PC -> bit One HD Virtuoso or PC <- bit One HD Virtuoso:
these functions synchronize the PC with the bit One HD Virtuoso. If a dialog box as the one to the right of this page shows up, it means that for some reason communication between the PC and the bit One HD Virtuoso has been interrupted.
To restore the communication select:
• PC -> bit One HD Virtuoso The PC loads the settings selected so far in the bit One HD Virtuoso.
• PC <- bit One HD Virtuoso The PC loads the settings previously stored in the bit One HD Virtuoso on the PC software.
WARNING: this operation can not guarantee that the data are always retrieved. If the operation is not successful:
1. exit the bit One HD Virtuoso software.
2. turn the bit One HD Virtuoso off.
3. turn the bit One HD Virtuoso on.
4. launch the bit One HD Virtuoso software again.
By performing these actions, synchronization will be restored but the selected settings will be lost.
5. Check for updates:
to check if any software / firmware updates for the bit One HD Virtuoso are available (see section 9.3). To perform this operation, your PC has to be connected to the internet.
6. Check for Updates on Startup:
when enabled, the software automatically checks the availability of new Firmware/PC software updates each time the program is started (see section 9.3).
7. Register product:
this function requires an internet connection and opens the default browser to the page for registering the product and creating a personal account.
8. Update Firmware:
function to update the bit One HD Virtuoso firmware (see section 9.3).
9. Reset Default Answer:
it restores the display of the warning messages if they have been disabled by ticking
“Don’t show me again”.
10. Restore Factory Defaults:
it entirely resets the bit One HD Virtuoso back to its default settings, cancelling all the data previously saved in the bit One HD Virtuoso (see section 8.2.2).
WARNING: during this procedure the bit One HD Virtuoso RCA / AD LINK - AC LINK outputs to the amplifiers should be disconnected.
11. Restore Windows Size:
this functions performs the re-sizing of the PC software window to the default dimension. Re-sizing can also be performed through the PC keyboard, using ALT+F10.
12. Help Online:
this function requires an internet connection. By activating this function and moving the mouse pointer to the various sections of the graphic interface for the PC software, the concerned area will be highlighted in red. By clicking on the red area, a link will activate, opening up the default browser, displaying the paragraph of the manual related to that specific area. The manual will be displayed in the language selected in CONFIG->Language.
13. Credits:
it shows the information about the bit One HD Virtuoso software in use.
14. Exit:
to exit the PC Software.